Gallery M produce art to special requirements for our customers. These items are specifically produced for specific customers.

Because each product shipped is unique, we do not accept returns and do not refund money paid for goods purchased. We ask our customers to please choose wisely.

Warranty/Guarantee: If there is a fault attributable to Gallery M, we will accept product for exchange /repair/refund at our discretion and subject to our examination and deliberation. To be considered, the original product must be returned undamaged and in its entirety including any custom wrapping, box etc. All items must be packed to travel without further damage or destruction. The freight is to be paid by the customer and will be refunded at standard freight/postal rates applying for the distance/destination involved if the claim is judged valid by Gallery M. Insurance for the return is the responsibility of the customer.

Gallery M (Aust) Pty Ltd guards its good name and will act in the best interest of its customers.